Proposal for measures called "Kilečko 2"

The Ministry of Economy submitted a bill on measures called "Kilečko 2" and "Kilečko 3". The purpose of the proposed legislative changes is to reduce the excessive regulatory burden on business and thus increase the competitiveness of the business…

What will EU Tax Reform bring to Business Taxation?

On 18 May 2021, the European Commission issued a communication on „Business Taxation in the 21st Century". The document follows up on the current discussions on international tax rules and presents its own tax agenda, which aims to continue the…

Deadline for filing the income tax return remains (for now) unchanged

Deadline for filing the income tax return for 2020 remains despite pandemic situation unchanged and elapses on 31 March 2021. 

Subsidies for rental fee

On 9 December 2020 entered into force the Act no. 349/2020 Coll. amending and supplementing Act no. 71/2013 Coll. on Granting Subsidies by the Slovak Ministry of Economy as amended „Amendment“).

Temporary Protection of Entrepreneurs in Financial Difficulties

Who can apply for temporary protection, for how long this protection can be granted, what are the legal effects and duties for the applicant and what does the application process look like? You will find the answers to all these questions below.

OECD guidance on the transfer pricing implications of the COVID-19 pandemic

OECD Guidance focuses on four priority issues where the additional practical challenges posed by COVID-19 are considered most significant and provides useful discussion of the various factors that should be considered in making arm’s length pricing…

Mobility control (not only) after the corona crisis

The COVID-19 pandemics significantly affected the place of work of many employees. Home office has become a „new normal“ in many companies but it also brings several risks and the respective legislation and its interpretation is being constantly…

Deadline for filing the tax returns was announced

The Government approved the amendment to the Act on certain extraordinary measures in the financial area in connection with the spreading of a hazardous infectious human illness COVID-19 (Lex Corona). The Aim of the Amendment is to finish the…