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Changes in employment measures during the second wave of the pandemic

Which employers can apply for support for its employees, how much money they will receive and what the application procedure looks like. You will find the answers to all these questions in our article.


Eligible period

For the needs of the second wave of the pandemic, employment financial support measures shall apply for an eligible period starting on 1 October 2020.

Eligible applicants

Employers - legal entities and self-employed individuals („SEI“), who were established and started their activities by 2 September 2020 at the latest, may apply for support. According to the conditions valid until 1 October, only employers who were established no later than 1 February 2020 could apply for support.

Under Measure 1, the support is intended for employers who, on the basis of the PHA Measure adopted during an extraordinary situation („ES“), are obliged to interrupt or reduce their operations while maintaining jobs.

Under Measures 3A and 3B, it is such an employer who will retain jobs despite the interruption or restriction of operations or a decrease in revenue during an extraordinary situation.

Target group of employees

The target group of employees are employees starting work no later than 2 September 2020. According to the conditions valid until 30 September, the target group was employees starting work no later than 1 March 2020.

Support can be requested only for those employees who are in an employment relationship with the employer as of the date of submission of the statement and are not in notice period at the same time.

The condition for drawing support is the maintenance of an employment relationship with an employee for at least one calendar month after the month for which the allowance is provided and in which a state of emergency has been declared.

The amount of contribution

Measures 1 and 3A

The amount of support under Measures 1 and 3A is unified. For both measures, the maximum support amount is EUR 1100.

At the same time, the method of calculating the amount of support is changed as 80 % of the total price of the employee's work during the obstacles on the part of the employer (section 142 of the Labour Code), compared to 80 % of the gross wage of the employees under the conditions valid until 30 September 2020.

Measure 3B

In accordance with the conditions of support valid from 1 October 2020, the amount of support is also increased under Measure 3B. The following table compares the amount of support under Measure 3B under the conditions valid before and after 1 October 2020.

Decrease in revenues Support until 30 September 2020 Support from 1 October 2020

≥ 20,00 - 39,99 %

180 Eur 270 Eur
≥ 40,00 - 59,99 % 300 Eur 450 Eur
≥ 60,00 - 79,99 % 420 Eur 630 Eur
≥ 80 % 540 Eur 810 Eur

Application procedure

New applicant or change of measure

An employer applying for support for the first time, or an employer applying for support for measures other than in the previous period, shall send a new application to the relevant Labor, social affairs and family office together with the October statement.

An applicant who applies for support repeatedly under the same measure

In this case, it is not necessary to submit a new application, but an amendment to the existing contract is concluded, according to which the last payment was made. The applicant sends only a statement for the month of October.

It is possible to request support only electronically via the portal The application for the month of October can be submitted no later than the end of January 2021. For other months, it is necessary to apply for support always by the end of the following month.

Condition for registration in the register of public sector partners

In the case that in connection with the drawing of support, the applicant meets the conditions for entry in the register by public sector partners pursuant to Act no. 315/2016 Coll. on the register of public sector partners and on the amendment of certain laws, this condition is considered to be fulfilled by 31 December 2020. If the applicant is interested in receiving the support after this period, the applicant is obliged to register in the register of public sector partners.


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